Ci perviene dal nostro consigliere del Comitato Economico e Sociale Europeo – CESE di Bruxelles, Prof. Maurizio Mensi, il messaggio programmatico della neo Presidente CESE Christa Schweng.

Dear Members,


Once again, I would like to thank you for the trust you put in me by electing me the President of the European Economic and Social Committee. It is a great honour but also a great responsibility. I am looking forward to working closely with every single one of you for the next 2,5 years.


Please find below the link with my Presidency priorities. My motto is “United for the future of Europe” because I believe unity is what the EU (as well as the EESC) needs the most in these challenging times. We want to take an active role in shaping the future vision of the European Union, an EU that prospers economically, that is socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. The EU also needs to  provide sound conditions for all of civil society to thrive and live in open, values-based democracies.


I would be happy if you shared our priorities with your respective networks. Only together we can efficiently promote our work and earn proper recognition among other institutions and relevant stakeholders.


Of course,  I am open to your comments and suggestions on how to make our work even more relevant and efficient in the future.


United for the future of Europe!


Yours sincerely,


Christa Schweng